Tag: Derivatives

{eac}Doojigger Plugin Derivatives

Custom plugin derivatives of {eac}Doojigger (build your own plugin using a strong, clean, foundation)

{eac}Doojigger derivatives are easy to create, custom WordPress plugins built from the {eac}Doojigger abstract classes and traits.

{eac}Doojigger Providing Automatic Updates

{eac}Doojigger derivative plugins and custom extension plugins may provide automatic updating similar to WordPress-hosted plugins.

WordPress hosted plugins provide updating functionality automatically. Whenever a new version of a plugin is updated in the WordPress repository, update notifications are seen in your WordPress dashbord on the plugins page.

You can provide the same functionality with your externally or self hosted plugin with a few easy changes.

{eac}Doojigger Providing Contextual Help

Using contextual help in {eac}Doojigger derivative plugins and extensions.

To complete your plugin and improve support, provide contextual help using the {eac}Doojigger interface to standard WordPress help functions.

Adding contextual help to your plugin and extension is easy using the methods built into {eac}Doojigger… and when using the proper filter, you can ensure that your help content only shows on your plugin page or extension tab.