Tag: Plugins

{eac}Doojigger Base Plugin for WordPress

A new path to rapid plugin development. A powerful, extensible, multi-function architectural framework and utility plugin for WordPress. {eac}Doojigger streamlines the plugin development process and allows you to create professional-grade plugins in a fraction of the time.

{eac}Doojigger is a multi functional and highly extensible WordPress plugin that provides existing extensions covering file access, security, debugging, encryption, session management, maintenance mode, administration tools, and more.

{eac}Doojigger is not only a fully functional plugin, but more so, an architectural development platform enabling the effortless creation of full featured derivative plugins and extensions.

{eac}Doojigger Providing Contextual Help

Using contextual help in {eac}Doojigger derivative plugins and extensions.

To complete your plugin and improve support, provide contextual help using the {eac}Doojigger interface to standard WordPress help functions.

Adding contextual help to your plugin and extension is easy using the methods built into {eac}Doojigger… and when using the proper filter, you can ensure that your help content only shows on your plugin page or extension tab.