{eac}eacSimpleGTM installs the Google Tag Manager (gtm) or Google Analytics (gtag) script, sets default consent options, and enables tracking of page views, site searches, content views, and, when using WooCommerce, e-commerce actions.
{eac}SimpleGTM Extension Plugin
{eac}ObjectCache Extension Plugin
{eac}Doojigger Object Cache is a light-weight and highly efficient drop-in persistent object cache that uses a SQLite database to cache WordPress objects.
{eac}SimpleCDN Extension Plugin
{eac}SimpleCDN enables the use of Content Delivery Network assets on your WordPress site, significantly decreasing your page load times and improving the user experience.
{eac}SimpleAWS Extension Plugin
{eac}SimpleAWS includes and enables use of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) PHP Software Development Kit (SDK).
{eac}MetaPixel Extension Plugin
Installs the Facebook/Meta Pixel and enables tracking of PageView, Search, ViewContent, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout and Purchase events when using WooCommerce.
{eac}SimpleSMTP Extension Plugin
Configure Wordpress wp_mail(), and phpmailer, to use your SMTP server when sending email.
{eac}Readme Extension Plugin
Loads and translates a Wordpress markdown ‘readme.txt’ file providing shortcodes to access header lines and section blocks.
{eac}SoftwareRegistry Derivative Plugin
A feature-rich and easily customized software registration and licensing server built on {eac}Doojigger.